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Quiet Forest

Chapter Information

Current Chapters:

First Student Chapter!

  • Sweet Home High School


At-Large Membership:

If there is no chapter in your local area, you can still be a member of Oregon Women in Timber.


As an At-Large member you can participate in functions with any of the chapters. Or consider starting an OWIT chapter in your local area.


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How to Start a Chapter:

Are you interested in starting an Oregon Women in Timber chapter in your area? All you need is a group of three members, elect a President, and hold two meetings per year. It’s that easy!


We would love to help you start a chapter. Please reach out to us at to get assistance in starting a chapter.


Benefits of Membership:

Join us for camaraderie, networking, social events, public outreach, education, volunteer opportunities in our communities, and much more!

Gain confidence in your ability to share your passion for Oregon forestry.

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