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National Forest Products Week

Information and Resources

Why Celebrate Forest Products?

Nearly half of the State of Oregon is forested and we think that is something to celebrate!
Our Oregon forests provide us with scenic beauty, recreation opportunities, and most importantly, sustainable forest products and careers. Oregon continues to lead the nation in the production of softwood lumber, plywood, and engineered wood products. Oregon was also the first state to pass a comprehensive law to regulate forest practices, which are continually reviewed and updated to keep up with current science. 

During National Forest Products Week, join us in celebrating our Oregon forests!
Image by everett mcintire


Do you know the history of National Forest Products Week?


The annual observance dates back to September 13, 1960 when Congress passed a joint resolution providing for the establishment of an annual National Forest Products Week to be held each year on the week beginning with the third Sunday in October.


President Eisenhower signed the first proclamation two days later, calling on the people of the United States “to observe the week beginning October 16, 1960 as National Forest Products Week, with activities and ceremonies designed to focus the attention on the importance of our forests and forest products to the Nation’s economy and welfare.”

Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.


"...the bounty of our forest and timber lands provides our people with a source of strength and pride..."

Forest Products = Solutions

National Forest Products Week is a time to not only recognize the importance of forests and forest products in our every day lives, but to celebrate the solutions they provide that make the places we love healthier and more sustainable places to live, work, and play.


From daily essentials to next generation technology, forest products reduce our dependence on plastics and fossil fuels and create a model for a built environment that is anchored in natural, renewable, and environmentally positive materials. All of this, while still cleaning our air, purifying our water, and beautifying our landscapes.


So whether you work in the sector, care about your community, or just share a passion for forests and the great outdoors - you have reason to celebrate. This week is for you. Join us in being #forestproud over #nationalforestproductsweek and beyond.

"The city of the future will be built of natural materials and amazing engineered wood products."


Michael Green

Michael Green Architecture

Lumber Selection at Hardware Store

Sustainable Careers

Forest products sector careers are some of the most rewarding and important jobs. In Oregon alone, over 61,000 people are employed within the forest products sector. Additionally, forest products sector careers are broad and diverse, ranging from skilled jobs to technical jobs.


Forest products sector professionals help care for our forests, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, protect water, sustain forests for future generations and make innovative forest products.



Carbon Sequestration

Forests have the ability to take in atmospheric carbon and store it in growing trees. This is done by converting carbon dioxide into solid carbon, which is stored as wood. By absorbing and storing this greenhouse gas, forests are a critical part of the climate change solution. Once sequestered, this carbon remains stored, even after trees are harvested.


Wood products from sustainably managed forests can store more carbon in the final product for decades than what was released when they were harvested and manufactured


Woman Alone in Forest

How Forests Make Our Lives Better

Forest Products

Our Carbon Future

Building the Cities of Tomorrow, Michael Green

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