AG-Timber Parade May 18, 2018
This year’s Ag-Timber Parade was better than ever! A little rain didn’t spoil the event. And the evening turned nice right before the start to create a great atmosphere for parade goers. Our grand marshal this year was the Oregon Department of Forestry – Northeast Oregon District. They had many people and equipment from the local office. We had a few new food vendors and as many entrants as ever. The parade continues to be a huge event for us and year after year it is very successful. Participants are calling us by late April to make sure we are still having it!
Union County OWIT Golf Tournament July 7, 2018
Even though we only had 11 teams play this year, our fundraising exceeded any other year so far! And it’s so much fun to organize! We had 25 sponsors and had a bunch of the guys purchasing chances at the putting contest to become one of the first five to have a chance to win the opportunity for a putt off to win $5,000. It was a beautiful day and lots of fun for all who worked or participated!