From our Friends at Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities
It’s time for a permanent and comprehensive solution that improves the health of Eastern Oregon’s rural communities and federal forests.
Eastern Oregon’s forests are overly dense, unhealthy and highly vulnerable to devastating crown fires due to a lack of active forest management. Meanwhile, food stamp use and welfare payments have tripled in nearby areas due to a lack of employment in our rural, forested communities. Today, nearly one in five people in these communities live in poverty.
Senator Wyden also committed to addressing the costs, delays and litigation (click here for video) that is being driven by one well-meaning, but frequently abused environmental law, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Meanwhile, legislation to restore active forest management to our federal Forests is beginning to move in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Please click here to urge your Congressional representatives, including Senator Wyden, to pass legislation to meaningfully address the red tape, litigation, and excessive costs that are crippling the health of our forests and rural communities.